


  • Arroz con leche 4.50€

    rice pudding

  • Pudin de frutas 5.00€

    fruit pudding (made with bread soaked in milk with sugar)

  • Tarta de almendra con Tocino de cielo 5.00€

    Almond cake with creme caramel

  • Tarta de zanahoria 5.00€

    carrot cake

  • Tarta de chocolate y galleta 5.00€

    chocolate cookie cake

  • Piononos 4.50€

    small sponge cake soaked in wine syrup with pastry cream

  • Fruta de temporada 3.00€

    season fruit


ice creams

  • Helado de turrón con pedro ximénez 6.00€

    nougat ice cream with spanish sweet wine

  • Tarta al whisky 5.00€

    whisky ice cream cake

  • Helado de sorbete de limón 5.00€

    lemon sorbet ice cream

  • Helado de tiramisú 5.00€

    tiramisu ice cream

Por favor, infórmenos si tiene alguna alergia alimentaria

Please, inform us if you have any food allergies